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Our Services

Our services are always aligned to one thing: helping you accelerate your transformation journey towards your strategic aims.

We understand that each client has a unique transformation journey and unique strategic aims, for that reason, the nature of the services we provide is always bespoke. Our services do however always follow the same framework and structure outlined in the LPI Institute Transformation Process, following the 5 steps outlined below:

The LPI Institute Transformation

The LPI Institute Transformation Process™

Achieve strategic aims

1. Discover

Identify your gap-to-potential and discover where you can improve.

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2. Plan

Understand what needs to be done to become best-in-class with a bespoke improvement roadmap.

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3. Implement

Make the changes outlined in the assessment and start working in smarter, innovative ways

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4. Train

Develop the capability to continue improving by equipping your team with the  the LPIC™ certification 

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4. Empower

Embed a culture of continuous improvement  in your workforce

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Assess your potential

Sustain your improvements

1. Discovery

1. Discover

The first step is a discovery meeting, where our consultants will work with your firm management to get a high-level holistic understanding of your firm. The improvement potential of departments will be estimated and a Pilot area chosen for a full assessment.

The findings of the Discovery will be summarised in a Discovery Report - uncovering how much we believe you can improve.

What does the Discovery consist of ?


LPI Maturity Audit

An audit consisting of 130 questions that will benchmark your firms maturity in 18 categories including Efficiency, System, Client Feedback & many more.


Data Analysis

Collection and analysis of data including time recording, customer feedback, demand and profitability.


Gap to potential analysis

Quantify the gap between your current state and desired state, understand what changes are needed to become best-in-class law firm

2. Assessment

2. Plan

The Plan phase investigates the unique solutions required to close your gap-to-potential and become a best-in-class law firm. Creating a bespoke implementation roadmap aligned with your strategic aims, we provide you with a practical step by step approach needed to get tangible results fast.

The findings of the Plan will be summarised in an Assessment Report - uncovering your unique transformation roadmap.


Customer Feedback Analysis 

Using AI and advanced machine learning techniques, we will identify what your customers care most about and innovative ways of exceeding their expections.


Process Mapping

Great processes create great results, Simple but not easy.

We review  your current processes to gain an in-depth understanding of existing pain-points, where information sharing and communication breaks down, waste steps that can be eliminated/automated.


Time Studies

Quantify the efficiency of your resources with the latest technology. Find improvement opportunities by studying a day in the life of your fee-earners.


Flow Analysis

There is often huge untapped potential when improving the flow of your system. Understand how to balance work and minimise matter lead time with our flow analysis tool.


Pricing Analysis

Through the analysis of quotation history we will evaluate your pricing strategy and highlight areas to improve profitibility and quote acceptance rate.

3. Implementation

3. Implement

Implementation is what we pride ourselves on. We don't write reports and leave the hard part to you...We roll up our sleeves and make the changes needed.

Having identified a variety of improvement opportunities in the pilot areas, the changes which will have a positive impact to all departments in the firm (i.e the holistic improvements) will be implemented first. 


38% reduction in matter waiting time

Agile Workflow Management

Introduced an agile way of matter control, reducing queues and limiting matter waiting time. The new way of working not only reduced client waiting time but improved fee-earners productivity by minimising the handling of matters.

Carrying out multiple process mapping workshops for different teams identified significant variations in the workflows being followed, in other words, people were working in different ways, using varying templates, ways of managing documents, communication means etc. All this variation leads to differing levels of client service and an inconsistent client experience.

Working as one-team, together we redesigned the workflow to one, standardised best way - providing a consistent, high-quality service to all clients.

One best way of working established

Standarised Workflows


60% Improvement in employee morale

Improved company culture

Assessing employee feedback identified a strong annoyance and dislike for time tracking/recording. 78% of all employees said they "spend more than 45 minutes per day doing it." Other feedback identified a lack of clear, tangible targets. 


We introduced an automated time tracking & billing system and communicated clear monthly team targets to help drive motivation. The result was a 60% increase in employee morale (identified through a questionnaire).

A fundamental concept of LPI is the separation of value-adding, fee-earning work, and the necessary but non-value-adding administrative and repetitive activities. 

The aim of this project was simple, to provide fee-earners with the support required to add more value. A workshop was held to list activities to be carried out by support staff, taken away from fee-earners, then automation tools like RPA were deployed to maximise support function productivity. The result was a 54% increase in support function productivity, while simultaneously improving fee-earner productivity.

54% Incease in Support function productivity

Automation & reassignment of responsibilities

4 Training

4. Train

LPI Institute is the leading global provider of Legal Process Improvement Training and is the sole accredited for the LPIC - Legal Process Improvement Certification. Our online training course has over 30 videos and includes 1-1 support sessions.

LPIC certificate.png

The LPIC is a globally recognised certification

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course, you will be capable of mapping legal processes, identifying wastes and developing solutions that maximise process efficiency and productivity. 

You will have gained an understanding of the key 10 KPI principles and be capable of driving continuous improvement within your firm.

With real-world case studies and examples, you will become capable of driving practical, tangible improvements that help transform company culture and impact the bottom line.

Please enquire or sign up for £995 to receive access to the learning portal, course, and certification.


The modules

  • What is Legal Process Improvement

  • How to maximise client value

  • How to identify waste within processes

  • The importance of involving people

  • The History of Lean and Legal Process Improvement

  • Traditional Legal Services vs. Lean Legal Services

  • Gemba - The importance of knowing your processes

  • Continuous Improvement

  • LPI Case Study

  • Change Management & Breaking Paradigms

  • Value Stream Mapping


5. Empower

At the LPI Institute we understand that a transformation is not complete until your firm has the capabilities to make improvements autonomously.


The Empower phase embeds a continuous improvement culture at your firm, ensuring changes made through the transformation are sustained and built upon in the future.


Utilising daily team huddles, leader standard work, and a tier structure, we give you the infrastructure to identify and solve problems at every level of seniority throughout your firm. 


Q: How long does the typical transformation take?

A: There is no "typical" transformation as every law firm is unique, with varying strategic aims. However, our average no of consultant days required to complete the transformation is between 190 - 250 days.

Q: What are the most common implementation projects that you provide?

A: Every project we implement is unique to the firm's needs, so no two projects are the same however common themes include:

  • Selection and adoption of new case management systems

  • Redesign of process flows to reduce waiting time

  • Automation tools like RPA to automate repetitive and manual tasks

  • Voice of the Client Analysis to learn from feedback and better understand the clients' needs

  • Fee-earner analysis to identify strategic direction

Q: What are the benefits of the LPIC training?

A: The benefits include:

  • The LPI foundation training - based on Lean techniques

  • The ability to understand and visually represent legal processes with process maps.

  • Analyse current processes to quantify non-value-adding activities

  • Re-design processes to create streamlined, more efficient processes

  • Launch improvement initiatives and manage the change to the new and re-designed processes

Q: What is the difference between LPI and Legal Process Management?

Legal Process Management (LPM) and Legal Process Improvement (LPI) have a level of overlap in the concepts, tools and techniques they teach. LPI takes a broader level view, being capable of driving efficiencies across any process within a law firm, providing the framework for a transformation. 

LPM employs project management methodologies and tools such as work breakdown structures, Gantt charts & risk assessments. LPI employs methodologies such as value stream mapping, standardisation & automation to drive tangible improvements.

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